Learn all about interop.io’s partnership with Propellant.digital which allows fixed income traders to streamline analytics more easily.
Legacy modernization in capital markets is no longer a challenge. Learn how to integrate old apps into modern workflows without rewriting them, helping your firm reduce costs from maintaining old tech.
Learn all about interop.io’s collaboration with Numis to streamline their trading processes.
Learn how you can leverage the latest technology to empower your multi-asset class trading desk and optimize your processes.
interop.io speaks with Anvar Karimson, CTO at Kepler Cheuvreux, about legacy systems modernization and his tips on how to achieve a seamless trading experience.
In this blog post, interop.io’s Director of Design and User Experience Tim Camuti discusses why UX designers should think beyond the boundaries of the application window and consider how all their users’ tools can fit together for a unified experience.
Learn how interop.io simplifies systems integration, enabling business needs to be solved at speed.
This article is a guest opinion piece by Steve Grob – an industry expert and moderator at TradeTech events, who shares insights from the 2023 event.